Freedom for All Bodies
Join the Movement toward Racial Justice is thrilled to offer our second annual Abolition Advent Calendar. This year, our theme is “Freedom for All Bodies.”
Every day we are seeing more and more dehumanizing efforts to limit embodiments of liberation. Enslaving paradigms are being deployed in new and all-too-familiar ways to exert violence and control over bodies that some deem undeserving of freedom. In this season we are called not only to recognize the strategies and tactics of enslavement as they manifest among us, but also to witness the way they call us anew to the sacred work of abolition.
So this Advent, as we await and prepare for the coming of transformational Love in flesh and bone, we want to again invite your engagement with generative connection between scripture readings for the season and contemporary abolition movements. To respond more specifically to the mechanisms of enslavement and visions of abolition at work in this moment, each week we will explore a different intersection in abolition movements.
Week 1 Intersections: Abolition, Racial Justice and Reproductive Justice
Week 2 Intersections: Abolition, Racial Justice and Trans/Non-binary Justice
Week 3 Intersections: Abolition, Racial Justice and Disability Justice
Week 4 Intersections: Abolition, Racial Justice and Body Positivity
"Abolition is about presence, not absence. It's about building life-affirming institutions...what the world will become already exists in fragments and pieces, experiments and possibilities... Abolition is building the future from the present in all the ways that we can."
- Ruth Wilson Gilmore