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Make a Difference

Make a Difference

The Park Church supports many groups, local and international, and participates in a variety of community activities. To learn how you can be involved or contribute to our programs, please contact the church office by calling (607) 733-9104 or e-mailing

Community Kitchen

The Park Church provides, prepares and serves a dinner to the guests at the Community Kitchen the 2nd Monday of each month. We have been involved with the Community Kitchen since it was established in 1981 to provide a hot meal daily to those in need. Meals are also served the last Saturday of each month and on Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Folks from Park Church help with these meals also The Community Kitchen is a totally volunteer organization served monthly by 25 faith communities, civic groups, schools, organizations and businesses.


Our Missions Ministry provides funds for us to purchase food and also contributes annually to the Operating costs of the Kitchen. The congregation enjoys a “Souper Bowl” Sunday meal together each February, the proceeds from which are given to The Community Kitchen.


Preparation for our Monday meal begins at 1 PM at the Community Kitchen. It is served from 4:30 – 5:30 PM. The Kitchen is located at 160 High Street.


Interested in Volunteering?

If anyone is interested in helping to cook, serve, visit or learn more about this wonderful community service, please contact office@theparkchurch to be directed to the Community Kitchen volunteer coordinator.

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