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June 10, 2023 - An Environmental Symposium

Who: You. Please come - please invite and share this information with others!

What: An Environmental Symposium

The Future Ain't What it Used to Be: Resilience Through a Healthy Environment

When: Saturday, June 10, 2023; 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM

Where: At The Park Church, 208 W Gray St, Elmira, NY 14901 - Enter through the Beecher Hall entrance off Gray St.

Registration (required):

The event is free and includes a delicious sustainable lunch (but you must register).

Why Attend: We must be resilient in a world in which thousands of species are going extinct, the human population is out of balance with nature, potable water is growing scarce, polluting chemicals are difficult to avoid, profit and growth are valued over human health and safety, and climate change is a daily threat. We need to be resilient and prepared, so let the discussion begin!

Speakers, via Zoom, video, and in person, include economist Kate Raworth; conservationist and author Sarah Savory; former Secretary of Labor, economist and Professor of Public Policy Robert Reich and several local speakers.

Topics include an economy built to thrive, why less is more, the perils of landfills, waste (and wasted) water, urban architecture, STEM the tide, depaving, holistic agricultural management, livable communities, regenerating biodiversity and others.

Current co-sponsors include The Park Church, Sierra Club, Waste Not Want Not, Seneca Lake Guardian, NYPAN-SFL, Beyond Plastics-Finger Lakes, Bio4Climate, Halt the Harm, Soil4Climate, Cornell Cooperative Extension, League of Women Voters-Southern Tier, and Citizens Climate Lobby-Finger Lakes. This list is growing by the day.

For more information contact Elizabeth Whitehouse at 607-936-4732 or

Hope to see you there!


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