The annual Lenten-Easter organ recital and lunch is on Thursday, March 24, 12:10 pm as an outreach to the community. Thursday's event will be followed by a luncheon.
This year’s recital entitled New Songs To Sing will feature readings and organ responses that reflect on the Easter story. Included will be organ settings of the following hymns:
“O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing,”
“My Song is Love Unknown,”
“Thy Strong Word Cleaved the Darkness,”
“Lord of the Dance,” “Lost in the Night,”
“All Glory Be to God on High,” and
“Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You.”
The recital will close with an arrangement of the hymn “When in Our Music God Is Glorified.”
Lenten Lunch: In order to support the UCC denominational efforts for the people of Ukraine, donations will be gratefully accepted for the lunch. Jenny has made blue and yellow stars for those who donate $100.
The menu will feature The Park Church Tomato Soup and wraps. Please invite your friends!