Here’s what I wrote last year this time – updated for 2022. And I’m still grateful!
For many years, decades ago, I began each morning with my gratitude list – notes before coffee of what I am grateful for, trying each day to find things that I hadn’t enumerated before. It still wakes me up, this overflowing. I came to Park nine years ago, seeking somewhere I could make a difference. And I found you -- you people of quality, your compassionate legacy, your values and your historic building. I knew after the second Sunday that this is where I wanted to be. This month, as we go around the Thanksgiving table and express what we are grateful for, my cup runneth over and I am so grateful for:
Our Staff team – Gary and Charlotte, Jennifer and Bob – four mighty warriors for justice and meaning
Our Council team – fourteen fabulous leaders who show up to serve with compassion and dedication
Our Music and Worship team – from opening the front doors to clearing away the used communion cups, you deliver each week meaningful experiences that we take home and ponder. You enrich our lives with musical, spiritual and intellectual pursuits
Our Facility team – you make sure our landmark structure not only lasts but serves to its fullest potential
Our Climate Justice and Racial Injustice teams – you challenge us to break through our complacency and be the change we wish to see in the world
Our Congregational Life and Fellowship teams – you make the coffee, breakfasts and dinners. And the phone calls - you help keep us current with news about each other so we can reach out and become stronger at any frayed edges
Our Stewardship and Finance teams – you keep an eye on the bottom line and assure that our spending reflects our mission and our dreams
Our Mission team – you weed and water our garden, literally and figuratively --you guide our hands to match our heart’s desire for our neighbors
So I guess you could say that church is a team sport! And I am so honored to be your cheerleader. Rah Rah!
Gratefully yours, Jenny