Continuing a Legacy of Activism in the Southern Tier

a just world for all

As a Climate Justice Congregation, we seek to respect God’s creation by focusing on the connection between climate change, planetary health, and human rights.
We live our faith by caring for those impacted most by climate change. We commit to care for the earth, to grow closer to our natural world, and to encourage personal and shared engagement by our church

As a Housing Justice Congregation, we affirm safe shelter as a human right. We call for systemic reforms that create affordable public housing, protect tenants, and regulate predatory practices.
Inspired by faith, we organize with the economically vulnerable to dismantle unjust systems, uplift the marginalized, and ensure the dignity of all.

Dignity and Solidarity

Our History Set Our Course:
Incorporated on January 3, 1846 by 41 abolitionists who broke away from First Presbyterian Church over the issue of slavery to form a new congregation.
Original bylaws include this statement: “That the using, holding, or trading in men as slaves is a sin in the sight of God, a great wrong to its subjects and a great moral and political evil, inconsistent with the Christian profession. And that this church will admit no person into its pulpit or communion who is known to be guilty of the same.”