Our 2022 Fall Rummage Sale is coming up and we are busy unpacking and sorting for the sale that will be on Friday and Saturday, November 4th & 5th.
Please sign up to give us a hand: contact 607-733-9104 or office@theparkchurch.org.
Sun, Oct 30, 11 AM Bring up boxes and bags from storage
Mon. - Wed. Oct. 31 - Nov. 2, 9 AM to 1 PM Sorting & pricing
Thurs, Nov. 3, 4 - 7 PM Presale for Park Church Members & Friends
Fri, Nov. 4, 9 AM to 1 PM Sale to public - full price
Fri, Nov. 4, 1PM to 4 PM Sale to public - half price
Sat, Nov 5, 9 AM to Noon Sale to public - bag sale, followed by cleanup
Thanks to everyone who donated or worked with the rummage this year. It provides a needed service to our community as there are fewer and fewer places for those in need to get items, and fewer places for those who have too much to be able to re-purpose it!
Come for the Mission, stay for the Fellowship!